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About Us

We are women helping women. We are a few women who happen to be trying to get back into the working world at the same time. Together, we have over 100 years of work experience!  Surely that type of experience would be valuable to some company, right?  We decided it would be less intimidating and much more fun if we got together to support each other in our efforts. So that's what we do. We meet. We share ideas. We give each other encouragement. We help each other with resumes. We help each other with interview prep. We laugh a lot and we frequently get sidetracked into totally unrelated conversations. Oh do we enjoy getting sidetracked!  This blog is a delightful result of one of our sidetrack conversations.

About this blog

We hope that this blog does what we have been doing in our get-togethers (except for the sidetrack conversations part).  We hope it serves as a place where people can share ideas; give encouragement and help each other.   We hope you find value in it and enjoy it.

-Clare, Kim, Kristin, Linda and Susan

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