I began the return to work process in earnest in January, 2017 by hiring a career coach and a resumé writer who also customized my LinkedIn profile. The sum of these costs equaled about a week and a half of pay at the job I KNEW I would be getting, so I actually considered myself clever for being so forward thinking. The resume writer? Was great, I would do it again in a heartbeat. However, my coaching experience did not go as I had hoped. I chose a Boston-based coach (local to me) that I found online and read all the positive reviews that she had. She advertised as being a specialist in turnarounds, career changes and breaks. Thus, I was happy to take roughly a half hour completing an in-depth onboarding survey so that my coach could best understand what kind of guidance I was looking for: what services would be redundant and which would be added-value. I felt very good going into it – she seemed enthusiastic, had experience and I was feeling ...